Full Council


19 September 2024

Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer

(Portfolio of the Executive Leader)


Proposed Change to the Council Procedure Rules




1.           To agree the proposed deletion of the Deputy Leader’s Report from the Council Procedure Rules.



2.           Over the course of the preceding 9 months, the cross-party Constitution Working Group has been considering proposed amendments to the Council Procedure Rules.  These were submitted to Audit & Governance Committee on 8 August 2024, for information and early sight, and were then submitted to Audit & Governance Committee on 4 September for discussion and decision.


3.           Ultimately, Audit & Governance Committee decided to circulate the updated ‘clean’ version of the revised draft Council Procedure Rules to Group Leaders in order that each group could provide feedback, on any fundamental issues it may have with the proposed changes, by the end of 27 September 2024.


4.           It was, however, unanimously agreed by Audit & Governance that the proposed deletion of the Deputy Mayor’s Report should be actioned without further delay and separate to the remainder of the Council Procedure Rules.


5.           It is therefore proposed that paragraph B3 1 i) be deleted from the Council Procedure Rules with immediate effect, and the remaining items be renumbered accordingly.




Financial – None directly arising from this report.


Human Resources (HR) – None directly arising from this report.


Equalities – None directly arising from this report.


Legal – None directly arising from this report.


Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property – None directly arising from this report.




6.           Council is recommended to approve the deletion of paragraph B3 1 i) of the Council Procedure Rules, and the renumbering of the remaining items accordingly.


Reasons for the Recommendation


7.           In order to remove a report which is recognised as being unnecessary.




8.           Members may choose to approve or not approve the proposed amendment to the Constitution.


Author and Chief Officer responsible for the report:


Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer



Report Approved



10 September 2024





Specialist Implications Officer(s): 



Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        Appendix 3 - Council Procedure Rules



·        None